Do you want fuller or more defined eyebrows? If so, our dentists may recommend microblading here at Kaceli Dental Aesthetics. This is a semi-permanent cosmetic treatment performed with a pen and series of microneedles, which our highly trained team will use to fill in your eyebrows or cover up scars.

For this treatment, our technician will first measure and plan out the outline of your desired eyebrow shape and then apply a numbing gel to ease your discomfort. After this is done, we will use a small blade to add pigmentation to your brows and create fair hair-like strokes to shape the brow area. Following your treatment, we will provide you with a list of post-care instructions to ensure your treatment was successful.

There are many benefits to microblading including:

  • Boosts your self-confidence
  • Saves you time in the morning
  • Prevents smudges
  • Safe and painless
  • No maintenance
  • Saves you money on beauty products
  • Gives you immediate results

Microblading can last up to two years, however we recommend you receive touch-ups every 12 to 16 months to keep your eyebrows looking full.

If you have any questions about microblading in Newton Centre, Massachusetts, or would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Monika Kaceli or Dr. Monique Mabry, please call us at 617-795-7211.